“Her Royal Highness is one of the very few people working in the cultural heritage area who understands and activates the integral relationship between sustainable tourism and cultural heritage, especially when it has to do with opportunity creation for local communities. Her commitment to both the tourism and cultural heritage sectors is admirable and invaluable.”
Dr Taleb Rifai, Former Secretary General UNWTO

First woman awarded the Arab Heritage
Personality Award – 2018

TEDx Arar Street Women – 2017

European Union in Jordan
Amman – 2019

Visit to the Islamic Arts Museum
Doha, Qatar – 2019
HRH has become a globally recognised and embraced messenger of some of the most important messages of our time, guiding and inspiring business, government, academic and community leaders worldwide.
Her ability to connect history, humanity, hearts and mind around future understanding and impact at all levels is unique.
Her power of delivery is a gift.
Please click map pins below for a global overview of HRH’s official speaking engagements since 2016.
Tahirih Justice Center Keynote
Keynote address at the 10th anniversary dinner for the Tahirih Justice Center.
Washington DC - June 20, 2008
Petra National Trust Cultural Education Junior Ranger Program
Graduating student participants in the Petra National Trust Cultural Education Junior Ranger Program.
Petra, Jordan February 2, 2012
Queen Consort Camilla Visit to Petra
HRH Dana Firas accompanying HM Queen Consort Camilla on a visit to Petra.
Petra, Jordan - March 11, 2013
60 Minutes Australia
HRH Dana Firas filming 60 Minutes Australia
Petra Jordan - April 24, 2013
PNT’s Youth Engagement Cultural Education Program
HRH Dana Firas graduating participants in PNT’s Youth Engagement Cultural Education Program.
Rajef, Jordan (Petra Region) - October 28, 2015
HRH Dana Firas keynote address at the ICMOS ICAHM meeting on “Standards and Guidelines of Archeological Management of World Heritage Sites.
Florence, Italy - November 30 -3 December 2015
Filming the Ai Wei Wei Documentary, “Human Flow”
HRH Dana Firas filming the Ai Wei Wei Documentary, “Human Flow”
Amman, Jordan - April 12, 2016
PNT and UNWTO with Dr Taleb Rifai
HRH Dana Firas signing Memorandum of Cooperation between PNT and UNWTO with Dr Taleb Rifai
Beijing, China - May 23, 2016
First World Conference on Tourism for Development Forum
HRH Dana Firas peaking at the First World Conference on Tourism for Development Forum and at the Great Hall of the People
Beijing China - May 23, 2016
UNWTO Conference on Tourism: A Catalyst for Development Peace and Reconciliation
HRH Dana Firas delivering the keynote address at the UNWTO Conference on Tourism: A Catalyst for Development Peace and Reconciliation (and in a helicopter!)
Sri Lanka - July 12, 2016
Exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts
HRH Dana Firas giving opening remarks at the Exhibition of Islamic Manuscripts.
Irbid, Jordan - 2016
Sheikh Ibrahim Center Speaker Series
HRH Dana Firas with Sheikha Mai Al Khalifah after delivering a keynote address at the Sheikh Ibrahim Center Speaker Series on the role of the media in cultural heritage preservation.
Muharraq, Bahrain - October 26, 2016
UNWTO Conference Investing in Tourism for an Inclusive Future
HRH Dana Firas with UNWTO Secretary General Dr Taleb Rifai and Jordan Minister of Tourism LIna Annab after delivering the keynote address at the UNWTO Conference Investing in Tourism for an Inclusive Future.
Petra, Jordan - October 28, 2016
International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism
HRH Dana Firas with HM King Simeone at the International Congress on World Civilizations and Creative Tourism
Sofia, Bulgaria - November 29, 2016
HRH Dana Firas opening of FUTUR
HRH Dana Firas opening of FUTUR and the Declaration of the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (and with King Felipe)
Madrid, Spain - January 19, 2017
Opening Panel of the Inaugural Culture Summit
Opening Panel of the Inaugural Culture Summit and at the Opening ceremony with Irina Bukova and Sheikha Mai
Abu Dhabi, UAE - 12 April, 2017
4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue
HRH Dana Firas at the 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue (and in front of the Heydar Aliyev Center)
Baku, Azerbeikan - May 5, 2017
UNESCO World Heritage Committee Meeting
HRH Dana Firas at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee Meeting (with Audrey Azoulay) and launching the ICOMOS report “The Future of our Pasts”
Baku, Azerbeijan - July 1, 13, 2018
World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa
HRH Dana Firas at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa, Panel discussion on Culture
Dead Sea, Jordan - May 20, 2017
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Ceremony
Ceremony at UNESCO to confer the role of Goodwill Ambassador by Secretary General Irina Bukova (and remarks)
Paris, France - June 30, 2017
UNESCO Conference on Fostering Women’s Empowerment and Leadership
HRH Dana Firas delivering remarks at the UNESCO Conference on Fostering Women’s Empowerment and Leadership
Paris France - July 2, 2017
Global Tourism Economy Forum
HRH Dana Firas delivering remarks at the Global Tourism Economy Forum (and keynote address at Cultural Tourism Session)
Macau - October 16-17, 2017
IIPT Awards Global Ambassador of Peace
HRH Dana Firas receiving Award and Remarks at the IIPT Awards Global Ambassador of Peace Through Tourism During WTM
London, England - November 13, 2017
PATA Keynote
HRH Dana Firas keynote address at the PATA dinner
London, England - November 8, 2017
European Union Regional Conference on the Value of Culture in the Southern Mediterranean
HRH Dana Firas keynote address at the European Union Regional Conference on the Value of Culture in the Southern Mediterranean
Amman, Jordan - December 3, 2017
UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture
HRH Dana Firas keynote address at the Second UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture
Muscat, Oman - December 11, 2017
Arab Cultural Heritage Forum
HRH Dana Firas remarks at the Arab Cultural Heritage Forum
Sharjah, UAE - February 8, 2018
UNESCO World Heritage Committee Meeting
Remarks during the UNESCO World Heritage Committee Meeting
Manama, Bahrain - June 25, 2018
Arab Heritage Award
HRH Dana Firas receiving the Arab Heritage Award – first woman to receive the award.
Salalah, Oman 13 August, 2018
Herald Design Forum
HRH delivering the keynote address at the Herald Design Forum
Seoul, South Korea - September 16, 2018
HRH Dana Firas Tedx Address
HRH Dana Firas Tedx Address
Amman, Jordan - December 1, 2018
Symposium of the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation
Address at the Symposium of the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation (and roundtable with the President of Malta)
Malta - February 15, 2019
International National Trusts Organizations
Closing Address at the meeting of the International National Trusts Organizations
Bermuda - April 7, 2018
Opening of the Qatar National Library
Keynote address in celebration of the Second Year Anniversary of the Opening of the Qatar National Library
Doha, Qatar - April 17, 2018
Inauguration of Bayt Yaish
Inauguration of Bayt Yaish – The Cultural Hub and PNT headquarters
Amman, Jordan - June 12, 2018
30th anniversary of the Petra National Trust
Keynote address to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Petra National Trust
Amman, Jordan - June 17, 2018
National Geographic Series Lost Cities with Albert Lin
Filming the National Geographic Series Lost Cities with Albert Lin
Beidha, Jordan (Little Petra) - July 10, 2018
Meeting of the International Council on Monuments and Sites
Meeting of the International Council on Monuments and Sites on Salalah Guidelines for Management of Archeological Sites
Salalah Oman - September 16, 2019
Conference on Creation of New Cultural Routes in the Danube Region
Delivering a master class at the Conference on Creation of New Cultural Routes in the Danube Region
Sofia, Bulgaria - September 30, 2019
Exhibition of Al Ula Wonder of Arabia at the Arab World Institute
Opening of the Exhibition of Al Ula Wonder of Arabia at the Arab World Institute
Paris, France - October 8, 2019
World Monuments Fund Watch Award
Receiving the World Monuments Fund Watch Award
New York, USA - October 29, 2019
Honorary Doctorate from Coventry University
Receiving an Honorary Doctorate from Coventry University
Coventry, UK -November 20, 2019
Remarks at the Doha Forum
Remarks at the Doha Forum
Doha, Qatar – December 15, 2019
Visit to the World Heritage Site of Georgetown
Visit to the World Heritage Site of Georgetown
Georgetown, Malaysia - January 20, 2020
Hegra Conference of Nobel Laureates
Visit to Al Ula and remarks at the Hegra Conference of Nobel Laureates
ALUla, Saudi Arabia, 28 January 28 – February 2, 2020
Signing a cooperation MOU between ICOMOS-Jordan and the Jordan Engineers Association
Signing a cooperation MOU between ICOMOS-Jordan and the Jordan Engineers Association
Amman, Jordan - August 19, 2020
ICOMOS-Jordan and The Jordan Department of Antiquities
Signing MOU between ICOMOS-Jordan and The Jordan Department of Antiquities
Amman, Jordan – September 16, 2020
ICESCO Webinar on Using Technology to Address Risks and Crises in Museums in Muslim Countries
VIRTUAL, ICESCO Webinar on Using Technology to Address Risks and Crises in Museums in Muslim Countries
Marrakesh, Morocco – September 30, 2020
Into Asia and V&A Webinar on Heritage and Pandemics
VIRTUAL, Into Asia and V&A Webinar on Heritage and Pandemics, Designing Strategies for Future Development
Myanmar and London, UK – October 6, 2020
Fusion Cities
VIRTUAL Address to Fusion Cities
London, UK - October 9, 2020
ICOMOS International Board and Advisory Committee
VIRTUAL Meeting of the ICOMOS International Board and Advisory Committee
Paris, France - October 15, 2020
World Monuments Fund 55th Anniversary
Remarks at the Celebration of the World Monuments Fund 55th Anniversary
ICOMOS Global General Assembly meeting
VIRTUAL, Intervention at the ICOMOS Global General Assembly meeting
Paris, France - December 6, 2020
Seminar on the importance of archeological finds in downtown Amman
VIRTUAL Seminar on the importance of archeological finds in downtown Amman
Amman, Jordan - January 28, 2021
Europa Nostra Women in Heritage Celebration
VIRTUAL Europa Nostra Women in Heritage Celebration
The Hague, Netherlands - March 8, 2021
Steering Committee of Madih Project
VIRTUAL Chairing the Steering Committee of Madih Project (Mapping Digital Cultural Heritage in Jordan)
Amman, Jordan - March 18, 2021
World Bank Webinar on Tourism
VIRTUAL World Bank Webinar on Tourism: Building Forward Better
March 24, 2021
Expanding Horizons with INTO’s Global Ambassadors
VIRTUAL INTO Conference, Expanding Horizons with INTO’s Global Ambassadors
London, UK - March 31, 2021
Launch of ICOMOS Arab Group
VIRTUAL Launch of ICOMOS Arab Group
Amman, Jordan - April 19, 2021
ICOMOS-Jordan information session
VIRTUAL, ICOMOS-Jordan information session on the Jordanian alharra and its potential for presentation to the World Heritage List
Amman, Jordan - May 18, 2022
Completion Ceremony of the MadiH project
Keynote address at the Completion Ceremony of the MadiH project
Amman, Jordan - July 13, 2021
The Cultural Hub Bayt Yaish - Petra National Trust
Taking Jordan’s Minister of Culture Ali Al Ayed on a tour of Bayt-Yaish – The Cultural Hub
Amman, Jordan - July 13, 2021
Filming a German TV Documentary
Petra, filming a German TV Documentary
July 26, 2021
Dana Nature Reserve and Copper mines
Leading and addressing an advocacy session on protecting the Dana Nature Reserve and Copper mines from being opened up to copper mining
Amman, Jordan - September 16, 2021
Bayt Yaish
Filming a TV documentary on the history, renovation and adaptive reuse of Bayt Yaish for Amman TV
Amman, Jordan - October 15, 2021
UNESCO Headquarters to attend the meeting of Goodwill Ambassadors with
UNESCO Headquarters to attend the meeting of Goodwill Ambassadors with UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay
Paris, France - October 28-31, 2021
Intervention at the Resilience Hob on Climate Change and Cultural Heritage COP26
COP26, Intervention at the Resilience Hob on Climate Change and Cultural Heritage
Glasgow, Scotland - November 2, 2021
HRH Dana Firas on a visit with Their Majesties King Charles and the Queen Consort Camilla
HRH Dana Firas on a visit with Their Majesties King Charles and the Queen Consort Camilla
Um Qais, Jordan - November 17, 2021
Egyptian Cultural Academy in Rome
Visit to the Egyptian Cultural Academy in Rome
Rome Italy - November 27, 2021
Borsa Mediterraea Del Tourismo Archeologico
Keynote address and award Presentation at the International Archeological Discovery Award by the Borsa Mediterraea Del Tourismo Archeologico
Paestum, Italy - 29 November 29, 2021
Alliance for Cultural First Aid, Peace and Resilience
HRH Dana Firas patronizing the closing ceremony and delivering an address for the Alliance for Cultural First Aid, Peace and Resilience – a program for participants from throughout the Arab world.
Amman, Jordan - December 17, 2021
“Unlocking the Potential of Cultural Heritage”
VIRTUAL Heritage Symposium and Workshop on “Unlocking the Potential of Cultural Heritage”
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - January 11, 2022
Heritage for Yemen’s Future Generations
Signing ceremony with Yemen Minister of Education launching the PNT project, Heritage for Yemen’s Future Generations
Yemen - February 1, 2022
Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: Priorities for the Arab Region
VIRTUAL Keynote at Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: Priorities for the Arab Region
Amman Jordan - April 18, 2022
Meeting to discuss tourism priorities and preservation of heritage with Jordan’s Minister of Tourism
Meeting to discuss tourism priorities and preservation of heritage with Jordan’s Minister of Tourism the Secretary General and the Director of the Department of Antiquities
Amman, Jordan - June 7, 2022
Ministers of Culture of the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Address at the meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Napoli, Italy - June 18, 2022
Jordanian Senate Committee on Tourism
Meeting with members of the Jordanian Senate Committee on Tourism.
Amman, Jordan - August 3, 2022
UNWTO Conference on Heritage Now: Relevance and Community
UNWTO Conference on Heritage Now: Relevance and Community ; moderating a panel and delivering closing keynote
Dundee, Scotland - October 4-5, 2022
Unique and Outstanding: Jordan’s World Heritage Sites
Launch Event for Unique and Outstanding: Jordan’s World Heritage Sites
Amman, Jordan - October 26, 2022
COP27 – panel on Climate Heritage Network Event
COP27 – panel on Climate Heritage Network Event “Culture at COP” on 11 November at the Sharm el Sheikh Museum and Moderating a Ministerial Roundtable at the Egypt Pavilion in the Blue Zone on Cultural-Heritage Based Solution for Climate Change
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - November 29, 2022
50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention
Patronizing and delivering keynote during UNESCO celebration of 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention.
Amman, Jordan - November 23, 2022